Red Paint
I woke up mad because in my dream I walked on a floor covered with red wet paint. Mad because this was the third time- and in the dream [...]
Opportunity and Pressure
Yesterday, I was in a small group of music industry peers and I had the opportunity to introduce myself. I didn’t do a great job of introducing myself. I [...]
Months of Sundays
My job as an artist is to see the world…feel and then describe it. That’s it. When that time is cut short, it is very troubling. I don’t like being [...]
Let my work speak for me
I enjoy learning about other people’s successes and use it as a model for my own at times. I recently read about someone who said that they must forget [...]
Air Balls
This morning, when I looked back at the pages I wrote from the previous day, I saw that I had written, “Let my work speak for me.” That line [...]
I would not say that my mind is totally absent. I’d like to say, I go off into other lands in my mind from time to time. My attention [...]